Our Projects

With an emphasis and focus on strategy and management, we have been involved with many very interesting projects for our clients.

Our clients know what they need yet don’t have the resources, background, knowledge or time for the initiative.

We help them analyze, plan, gain approval and implement initiatives and changes to improve results.


We help you with planning or strategy with an outside view and a global perspective


We help you implement while you focus on other critical issues


We help you plan by applying our experience and background

Here is a description of consulting projects we have completed (or are in progress) for clients.

  • Assess the scope and service levels for a major public private partnership initiative to develop improvements and changes to get best value for the client.
  • Provide advice to a national property manager for two major procurement initiatives. Includes RFP documentation, evaluation, KPI, selection and developing performance management tools.
  • Establish requirements for a facility management services, organization and support requirements, including handover and relocation processes for the judicial authority of an international courthouse being constructed in the Middle East.
  • Develop a facilities strategic plan for a national crown corporation head office facility to establish space planning policies and options to consider on lease renewal.
  • Conducting an organizational Interface review and related facilitation with the senior management team for an Ontario Government entity to recommend changes in organizational design, roles and interfaces.
  • Performing a Feasibility Assessment to determine whether Outsourcing all Facility functions for a large organization will provide financial and service benefits.
  • Developed a facilities strategic plan for a division of a Fortune 500 petroleum company, including the assets and space needs and options for a 5 year period.
  • Reviewed a major utility company’s operational effectiveness, using Six Sigma processes, conducting interviews, job shadowing, data analysis and making recommendations for changes in process, systems, organization and staffing levels.
  • Developing organizational structure, job descriptions, recruitment requirements, procedures, training, change management plans, communications and implementation for a centralization and improvement of service delivery for a major petroleum company in the Middle East.
  • Conducting a Facility Operations/HR review for a major Hospital to review and assess their Facility operations and make recommendations for organization changes, procedures and systems. Developing a Transition Roadmap to implement the recommended changes.
  • Writing the Facility Management specifications for a P3 Civic Operations facility (Bus Transit and Snow Storage) for an upcoming RFP to select proponents to build the facility and operate it for a 25 year term.
  • Developing and implementing a Customer Satisfaction survey for a corporate client, delivered via web.
  • Writing the Facility Management specifications for a P3 hospital project, part of an upcoming RFP to select the proponents to build and manage the hospital for 30 years.
  • Updating a Facility Management specification for a P3 rail maintenance facility, adapting and improving a previously written specification to meet changed operational and contractual requirements.
  • Creating a flexible, customized Service Level Agreement template for a government organization to manage service delivery and occupant expectations.
  • Developing a business case for in-sourcing of facilities technical functions currently performed by a third party under contract.
  • Developed strategic plans for a Facility Director for his organization through facilitated workshops, stakeholder interviews, assessment of mission and vision and current and planned initiatives and issues.
  • Establishing the financial comparisons of in-house vs outsourced/subcontracted services for a large educational institution to be used as a basis for subsequent decision making and business cases for organizational design.
  • Organizational review for an Accommodation & Capital unit of a provincial ministry. Involves interviews of stakeholders, comparison of org approach with comparable organizations, review of interfaces with other service delivery organizations. Recommendation for org structure to strengthen delivery model, accountability, stewardship of accommodations services and capital project expenses.
  • Analyze current operations and determine options for a government institution to outsource facilities operations, including staffing, organization, financial analysis, operational analysis, contract, financial structure, RFP, evaluation and transition plan. After the analysis and options were established, Recommendation to client was to wait until a major facility renovation was complete before proceeding.
  • Developing contract, specs and RFP documentation for procurement of standing offer services in a wide variety of Hard FM services for an educational institution.
  • Conducting a focussed benchmarking exercise for a University, including interviews of peer institutions, analysis of the University’s historical spending, comparison of costs, resources and practices between universities. Identified practices for the University to consider to improve efficiencies.
  • Working with a multinational FM organization to develop and finalize operational procedures and operations plans for a large 30 year Public Private Partnership (P3) contract for a Hospital and Policing facilities.
  • Worked with a large facility management organization to develop management and operations documentation for the start-up of a Data Centre to meet the facilities management & operational needs and to satisfy the specification and contractual requirements.
  • Conducted a benchmarking and operations review for a College currently constructing facilities that will increase their campus size by 25%. Compared their resource and cost base with other peer institutions, interviewed staff and peer institutions, assessed processes, staffing, FM systems, resources and approach to maintenance. Provided recommendations for FM system, organization, staffing increases and budget projections.
  • Performed an Operations Review for a corporation to assess their operations. Provided recommendations about training, organization design, subcontracted services and systems to enhance their service delivery.
  • Developed the RFQ and RFP documentations and ran the procurement for an educational institution to select a maintenance and operations sub contractor.
  • Conducted an Operational Review for a municipality to assess and make recommendations on resourcing, procedures, organizational design, training and support services for their Facilities Management department.
  • Review and assessed contractually required documentation submitted by the contractor for a major Public Private Partnership (P3) project prior to start-up of the facility. Compared with industry practices and specification contract requirements and identified required changes.
  • Conducted a focused benchmarking exercise for a regional government to establish peer group practices for allocation and management of office space and enclosed offices. Develop recommendations for dealing with exceptions.
  • Conduct an operational review for a multi-government commission based in Nigeria, providing recommendations for operational, organizational and other improvements to their facilities operations.
  • Conduct a peer group operational benchmark study with report and recommendations for a University to address an operational initiative and support a business case.
  • Facilitated a two day session for a national non-profit association, involving all provincial and territorial agencies, to develop requirements for a national program.
  • Provided advisory services for contractor evaluation, contract documentation and performance management framework for a large bank in support of their North American FM outsourcing initiative.
  • Developed a successful business case for System Furniture procurement and management strategy for a regional government. Received approval from City Council.
  • Analyzed the spending for all work orders under a pre-set approval limit conducted nationally by a large corporation’s FM service provider. Assessed spending patterns, costs, approach, tracking and management approach and based on the analysis, recommended management process changes and cost reduction initiatives to be implemented by the FM service provider.
  • Develop the FM specifications for seven large Public Private Partnership (P3) projects, including a data centre, two hospitals, two courthouses, a coroner and forensics facility and police facilities.
  • Provide technical review of the bids received from companies for four Public Private Partnership (P3) projects. Reviewed compliance with specification, clarity and reasonableness of their proposed solutions, identified concerns or issues about their proposals and then presented the findings to government evaluators to help guide their evaluation process and provide them with more insight during their evaluation and selection process.
  • Review, revise and reformat operational procedures and develop new procedures based on current operating practices for a school board.
  • Developed Outsourcing Scope, SLA and Quality Assurance Program for large Middle East Company intending to outsource a major company compound.
  • Develop and conduct an outsourcing RFP for a portfolio of properties for a large government agency. Included RFP documentation, questions, evaluation and selection.
  • Review and assess current contracting and contract management approach for a government agency. Assessed supplier alignment within current subcontracting environment. Make recommendations for changes to procurement and contract management to improve results. Developed specific tools to improve supplier relationship management and performance management.
  • Develop a Supplier Relationship Model for a provincial government’s facilities management staff to achieve better results from their outsourced and subcontracted supplier base.
  • Delivered a 1 day training workshop for an organization’s 40 facility and asset managers on the management or contracts.
  • Analyze a corporation’s facility organization’s staffing, subcontracted services and service delivery against best practices and benchmarks. Make recommendations for organizational changes, including roles, personnel and consolidation of subcontracted services.
  • Provide Asset Management advice for a non-profit charity organization. Develop long term capital plan, identify and deal with long-standing non-compliance issues and introduce professional property management services to guide their in-house handyman.
  • Work with a University to develop Mission, Vision and Values for their Facilities organization. Facilitated sessions with staff and customers. Conducted an on-line survey for senior academic and administrative personnel. Assessed their long-term objectives and analyzed results to develop relevant mission, vision and value statement.
  • Evaluation of a bank’s site selection and fit-up project against documented procedures and customer expectations. This included interviews, document and timeline review as well as assessment of checks and balances, resulting in a report with recommendations.
  • Facilitated strategy sessions and assisted a non-profit client to develop format, structure and strategy for their funding renewal submission.