
Is your FM organization and systems giving you what you need? Are you up-to-date on the leading practices and what you could be doing differently? A review can help you fine-tune or completely revamp your organization and systems.

Operational & Organizational Reviews

Do you have a good handle on your real estate assets with solid information you can use to make strategic decisions that maximize the value of your assets while minimizing costs?

A review can help you fine-tune or completely revamp your organization and systems. With in-house and outsourcing experience managing large portfolios working with the largest FM outsource provider in Canada, you get Best Practices and balanced advice from Strategic Advisor.

[inset side=”right” title=”Mini Checklist”]You can get started by using our free Mini FM Assessment Checklist. It gives you a high-level comparison of your own operations with best practices. You can download a PDF version.[/inset]

After using the Mini FM Assessment Checklist, contact us about how we can help you with a further assessment and implementation of additional best practices that provide improved service, efficiency and reduced cost to your organization.

The Assessment Program provides insight into your operations compared to best practices and delivers clear, actionable information you can use to identify and prioritize strategies for your operations. Our Approach Our approach is objective and measureable.

It is a non-judgmental comparison of your specific organization structure, systems, access to expertise, service delivery models, practices and procedures, systems, information and functionality. We can also focus on areas you identify.

We can conduct the full Evaluation Assessment or just a shorter Checklist Assessment.

Checklist Assessment (FMAP-C)

This short assessment involves on-site interviews with FM staff and a review of the documents, processes and systems used to deliver services.

This is a low cost option that compares the combined best practices from successful Facility and Property Management companies and leading in-house organizations. The checklist covers areas such as communications, customer service, asset management, emergency, energy and environmental management, lease management, occupancy management, project management, maintenance, performance management, quality assurance, HR practices, Health & Safety, standards, practices and policies.

The result is a Checklist Assessment report which identifies all areas where current practices match best practices and also identifies where gaps exist in the current organization or operational models. The report provides a % rating in major categories against best practices and provides a short summary on each of the 14 main categories.

Evaluation Assessment (FMAP-E)

This in-depth assessment includes the Checklist described above, however it involves a more involved review and assessment of current organization and support structure effectiveness. The Evaluation goes deeper into the delivery of service and provides a longer written report that identifies opportunities for change in a prioritized list .

This lets you assess and implement based on your specific requirements and organizational needs. We can even help you with a presenation to your organization on the results. This involves on-site interviews with staff, customers/occupants and senior management in addition to a detailed review of documents, processes, procedures and systems used to deliver services.

The result is a detailed report that identifies strengths of the current organization, gaps relative to industry practices and provides prioritized recommendations for improvements and changes. The evaluation and recommendations take into account the realities of your current operational situation and provide you with an external viewpoint you can use for internal business cases to support your initiatives.